Saturday, March 27, 2010


After having a relatively successful race over the weekend, I hit not one but two significant speedbumps during the previous week. First, on the next day that I was supposed to run (Tuesday), I got sick and stayed home from work. It was simply a cold, but since I'm in the middle of a production at school right now, I was hesitant to try running until I felt 100% better -- rested, without a sore throat, with minimal congestion.

The weekend was looking good for this. I felt pretty well rested on Friday and was planning to probably have a nice long run on Saturday to make up for missing an entire week. That's when my clutziness struck. While talking on the phone with my wife and walking around the house, I kicked a table leg very, very hard. I'm quite certain that I broke the toe next to my big toe on my right foot. I guess this means I'll have to hit cross-training extra hard on my run days and lay off of running for the immediate future. At the moment, it hurts even to put weight on that foot, so I'm not sure even an elliptical machine would work for me at the moment.

In the end, it MIGHT be a blessing in disguise of sorts. While it throws a serious monkeywrench into my plans for the half-marathon, it does allow me to focus without feeling guilty on the high school play I'm directing that opens in less than two weeks. As for the half-marathon, I figure even if I can't train for two weeks due to my toe, I will still have enough time to get into reasonable shape to finish the race. In order to finish before the route closes, I need to do something like an 18 minute mile throughout. Even without training for two weeks, I'd hope that I'd be able to at least accomplish that.

Still, it really stinks being held up like this.

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