Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Beginning

I'm about to embark on my first training run for the Minneapolis Half-Marathon. I haven't seriously run in around five months, and I'm hoping the IBS problems I had last year around this time don't show up again. I'm fifteen to twenty pounds heavier than when I ran my first half-marathon, so weight loss would be a nice bonus (and the added weight, of course, is a stumbling block).

My hope is that by posting updates on my runs, I'll hold myself more accountable. This is something that I need, as my first "run" was supposed to be yesterday.

So I'm about to embark on a two-mile run/walk. Here goes nothing.....(or, hopefully, something)


  1. 2 miles @ 26:50 doing 2:30 walk/run intervals.

    Did two 30 second planks afterwards.

    This will definitely be interesting.

  2. You have to start somewhere, Padawan. Make sure you do plenty of core work to accompany the running.
